Our Programs

Youth Empowerment

  • Entrepreneurship and savings skills
  • English language training and assistance
  • Sport and performing arts
Integrated learning skills for girls

women learning tailoring skills at Utukuzwe Vocational training center, Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County in the Rift Valley, Kenya @ YEDP Kenya 2017

Youth Empowerment

The aim is to reduce poverty, economic dependency and promote cohesion

The objectives of this program is to promote Education and Literacy to people and Adults who fail to complete the normal schools due to the poverty and lack of possibility in many families in Africa that limited socio-economic to people and this came due to the lack of Gender Based Violence among many generation as all of over the world the lack of Education lead people to exercise poverty all over the world but Education has no limit We should provide literacy and normal education to people who drop out school due to some circumstances like: early pregnancy and early marriage, the lack of money, and other forms of Gender Based Violence  and make sure we breakdown the issue of poverty and make people live independently and manage their own resources as the gain education, this will be implemented after create Literacy curriculum and followed the government normal education curriculum to make sure we achieve our goal, we should also train teachers and other volunteers to recognize the methods and technics of teaching adults and young people and we should provide social assistance to young girls.

The objective is to provide Tailoring classes and Hairdressing classes among young people and women as well as to help the people to form Savings and Loans Association for them to become Economically dependent in their lives, many people all over the world specially women are sentences poverty and this become due to the limit of knowledge of creative source of income generating activities now we should train people to be creative and innovative in their whole lives , also we should provide train on firming and tree planting, Soap making and cooking  all of these we wish to make young people and women  people to live dependent lives instead of depending on someone else 

                   Adults are following explanation during class time, Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana county, The        Rift Valley, Kenya

Reproductive Health care

  • SRH training activities
  • Community health training
  • Family planning and HIV testing services  

The aim is to reduce unintended pregnancy, reduce rate of HIV/AIDS, reduce unplanned birth and promote awareness of Gender based violence (GBV), empower women/girls and promote care for AIDS.

The objectives of this program is to train and sensitize  people to be aware of Gender Based Violence, we recognize that many people are still not aware of the rights and this lead many people to live in the world of poverty, limit health protection and Education, the issue of sexual violence, Physical violence, Emotional and psychological violence, socio-Economic violence and Harmful Cultural Practices is very expended and people are sentences defilement, Domestic Violence, Rape, Exploitation and human trafficking, GBV is usually inflicted by men on women and girls and by Adults on Children and  is based on historic unequal power relations between men and women and Adults and Children which lead to the domination and discrimination against women by men and Children by Adults therefore we should engage men and other Adults to stop the issues of Gender Based violence (GBV), we should also training young girls on Sexual and Reproductive Health to reduce early pregnancy and HIV infection among young girls and we should also engage parents and leaders for them to take part of informing girls on health issues and we should make a curriculum Based SRH and training for SRH facilitators on Technics and methodologies of training SRH issues to Young girls.

Adolescents are being shown a picture of Reproductive Health for a better understanding of Explanation of Facilitator during class time, Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County in the Rift Valley,  Kenya

Youth and sport

The Aim is to reduce poverty, conflicts, spread of HIV/AIDS and promote the talents of youth and children, promote economic dependency economic welfare for young people and Adults women

The objectives of this program to Provide trainings, group discussions and training of other youth leaders provision of youth sport, youth festivals and child rights as well known that a child is any human being under the age of 18 years old, children are considered one of the most vulnerable members of society and are the victims of crimes, exploitation and Abuses. To achieve this we should train parents and children to understand well their rights and provide  child sport which will include (Pre-cadet 8-12 and, Micro-cadet 12 to 15), provide child to child play therapy and train child leaders in order to make them to be aware of their right and let them to be ambassador  of their peers in their communities and make sure we protect them from Abuse, from harmful cultural practices, from sexual Exploitation and protection from Drugs as well as Leisure and Recreation and Torture and Depreciation of Liberty by respect of humanitarian law.
Youth entertainers are entertain refugee during women day


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